Animated Kirigami Tiger
Opening of the first Onitsuka Tiger store in Latin America
Opening of the first Onitsuka Tiger store in Latin America
Interactive Artistic Project about the value of life.
exhibition at Museum of the City of São Paulo
An installation-tribute to a city’s dreams.
A collective of different creative trios.
Official World Cup football with a V-mask, the symbol adopted by protestors during the anti-World...
Cloud dress with metallic mesh and horse’s mane.
Portable memories, boxed dreams.
Happenings in glass.
Installation for the groundfloor space at MAM – Rio de Janeiro.
Beads of plastic pearl and gold coat a doll for an Art exhibition.
Performance in which an installation is literally dressed and undressed in loco at the Bienal.
Exhibition of a dress made out of black bin liners.
Project for the Lasar Segall Museum Auction.
Paper dress awash in images.
Exhibition of photos and replicas of the paper dresses.
Luxdelix – bin-liner dress
Installation in which a catwalk is used as visitor circulation.
2,500 backpacks produced out of enormous inflatable bottles.
A mobile sculpture intervenes in the cityscape.
Animated Contraptions: installation at the Sesc Arts Exhibition.
The mouse munched the monarch’s mantle.